A dramatic assortment of hot pink roses, lipstick red roses and anthurium blooms in a stylish black glass vase. It is simply a wow!
Image shown in size "GORGE"
CHIC: Aprox 30 blooms
GORGE: Aprox 40 blooms
LUXE: Aprox 50 Blooms
SUPER LUXE: Aprox 60 Blooms
Disclaimer: Product photos represent an overall theme or look which in some instances, cannot be replicated exactly. Although the actual arrangement may not precisely match the photo, the overall design direction will always be preserved. Seasonality, market conditions, and availability may cause substitutions of flowers, greenery, and vases to occur. We will always ensure that the styling and color schematic match the imagery as close as we can and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.